Mad Artist Photography

zebra at the zoo

Water Glass Ice Cube Splash

Equipment List

  • Camera
  • 80-200mm Lens
  • Tripod
  • Flash
  • Wireless Transmitter and Receiver for the Flash
  • Remote Shutter Release - Wireless is better but Corded will work also
  • A Table you don't mind getting wet
  • Some sort of Background

Disclaimer: This is a project best done in a garage or some other space where you don't mind getting water on the floor. Because you WILL get water on the floor.

'Water Splash' shots are fun to do. There are so many different ways to do it. You can drop ice cubes into a glass of water. You could drop fruit into a fish tank. You could even drop a watermelon into a swimming pool. You are limited only by your imagination.

A shot like this will require some equipment. Start with your camera. Any camera will do. Then use a longer lens. Something like an 80-200mm zoom will work fine. Shoot at the 200mm end because it will allow you to keep your camera away from the splashing water. It will also give you more control over your background (more on that later).

This page is just a space filler for now. I am making sure all the links work the way they should. And they seem to. So now I need to actually get back to the Image Creation part of this website and create some content for these pages.

Thanks for your patience.